Why do some people need more than 5 minutes of VNS a day?
The dosage of electrical stimulation can vary greatly depending on the individual’s age and the medical condition we are trying to improve. While all children are treated with identical stimulation parameters, my adult patients use tVNS with various settings based on several factors that I consider as their doctor. The electrical stimulation parameters vary by intensity, frequency, and timing of electricity cycling on and off and total time on the device per twenty-four-hour period. The variables for VNS treatments include amperage, bandwidth, frequency (Hz), the cycling pattern (off/on), and the clip’s position on the ear. nnThe vast majority of children and young adults less than thirty years of age will only require five minutes of continuous transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation per day. At the proper settings, five minutes of tVNS is enough to significantly reduce inflammation throughout the body for at least twenty-four hours.