Can fish oil cause hyperactivity?

If fish oil is consumed and the intestinal tract is functioning normally and leaky gut is not present, fish oil does not cause hyperactivity, aggression, reflux, constipation, headaches, or fatigue. The symptoms that seemed to be triggered occur when leaky gut is present. With leaky gut, any food substances including fish oil, olive oil, and certain fruits or vegetables can all pass through the barrier of the small intestine and trigger the immune system as well as the autonomic nervous system. If the autonomic nervous system reacts and it results in a drop in brain blood pressure, hyperactivity, anxiety, and fatigue can occur.nnIf this reaction is occurring, the proper approach is to work towards improving the balance of intestinal bacteria rather than simply avoiding the offending food substance. I’ll recommend changing the inulin dose to monthly rifaximin or monthly rifaximin to continuous rifaximin.

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