I am afraid to start inulin because I am worried about a rough Awakening. Is there any way I can avoid an awakening in my child?

Your concerns are valid because parents often find it challenging to witness their children struggle. Understanding WHY the Awakening can be disruptive can alleviate the worries because parents often view it as their child is regressing when it is just the first phase on the road to recovery. To get neurological recovery, we first need to “wake” your kids up from the sedating effects of propionic acid. We do that by eliminating bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. Once the sedating propionic acid dissipates from their system, the true extent of the severity of their ANS dysfunction and neurological impairment is revealed. The children are not worse; they are finally awake and free of the chemical effects of propionic acid. Over the next 4-8 weeks, as inflammation continues to be lowered from the oils, things will improve, and your child will begin to recover.

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